Website legal notice

Identity of website publisher

SHEN INSTITUT, EURL with a share capital of 27000, whose registered office is 14, Allée des Tulipiers 74600 SEYNOD ANNECY, registered under the number 828053207, and whose legal representative is Sébastien HANTZ.

The address is 43 bis, Avenue de Genève 74000 ANNECY.

The website editor can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

The site editor is subject to VAT. Its VAT number is: FR12828053207.

What we do

The website editor is a wellness practitioner. It offers consulting services in traditional Chinese energetics.

The Service Provider does not hold any professional certification or state diploma.

The training courses followed (not officially recognized) are as follows:

  • 4-year basic course in Traditional Chinese Medicine (1996-2000)
  • University and hospital internship in China (2000)
  • Advanced training courses in Chinese Medicine (Internal Medicine) (2000-2011)

These activities come under the heading of “non-conventional” practices, to relieve certain everyday ailments or to reinforce, as a preventive measure, lifestyle hygiene, quality of life, vitality and therefore overall well-being.

These activities are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

These are complementary practices that can be used in addition to conventional treatments, to contribute to well-being.

These activities in no way replace a medical diagnosis and/or treatment, and in no way dispense with the need to consult a doctor, who is the only person authorized to establish a medical diagnosis and appropriate medical treatment.

The information available on the website is not exhaustive, scientific or medical. They are provided for information purposes only and represent the point of view of their author(s). Under no circumstances may they be considered as constituting officially recognized information, a diagnosis or medical treatment or advice.

Website publication manager

The Publishing Director is Sébastien HANTZ.

Website development

The website was created by Sébastien HANTZ, using the WordPress CMS, an open source software licensed under the GNU GPL.

Website hosting

The website is hosted in France by O2Switch – Chemin des Pardiaux, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand.

Intellectual property

The website may reproduce works of intellectual property. These works may belong to the site editor or to third parties. In the latter case, the works are reproduced by the publisher with the authorization of these third parties.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the works represented on the site, whatever the means or process used, is forbidden, except with the prior written authorization of the website publisher.

Any unauthorized use of the works or of any of the elements contained in the site may be considered as counterfeiting and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Obligations of website users

Users agree to use this website under the following conditions:

-not to use the site for the purpose of hindering or altering its operation, in particular by voluntarily or involuntarily encumbering it with the untimely transfer of content, outside the cases of use provided for;

-not to extract, copy, duplicate, elements and graphics of the website, on which the publisher has intellectual property rights;

-Do not introduce malicious files/programs or those containing computer viruses;

-not to store or transmit unauthorized content that is illegal or that may constitute incitement to commit crimes or offenses, defamation or slander, invasion of privacy, or acts endangering minors;

-not to transmit content that violates the image rights, intellectual property rights or any other rights belonging to others.

Responsibility of the publisher

Users are solely responsible for the choices they make. Thus, the publisher cannot be held liable for the unsuitability of the website’s services for the needs and information expressed by the user.

Nor is the publisher liable for any damage resulting from the communication network, Internet access failures or the user’s computer security.

Personal data protection

The publisher may process personal data in connection with the operation of its website.

In this context, it undertakes to comply with Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 (known as the “Loi informatique et libertés” or “LIL”) and the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (“RGDP”) no. 2016/679.