Qi Gong is an ancient form of energy gymnastics that provides a natural and accessible approach to maintaining health and enhancing longevity. This discipline includes various types, such as Medical Qi Gong, which aligns with the principles of Chinese medicine. Qi Gong is based on key concepts such as the Yin and Yang theory, the 5 Elements, Qi (energy) and the Gut Organs, among others. Through precise movements, sometimes inspired by the animal kingdom, along with breathing techniques and active meditation, Qi Gong provides you with the ability to control your energy, whether to increase it or promote its circulation.
qi gong
the benefits
Qi Gong, this ancient Chinese practice, offers numerous benefits for your health and well-being, both physically and mentally.
- Strengthening the body: Qi Gong incorporates gentle movements, stretching and postures to help strengthen muscles, tendons and joints. It improves flexibility, mobility and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.
Reducing stress and anxiety: By employing deep breathing techniques alongside regular, flowing movements, Qi Gong calms the nervous system, alleviates stress and anxiety, and fosters a state of mental tranquility.
Improved cardiovascular health: breathing exercises and regular Qi Gong movements promote better blood circulation by strengthening the cardiovascular system.
Boosting the immune system: Qi Gong stimulates the immune system by strengthening vital energy (Qi) and balancing the flow of energy in the body. Regular practice boosts resistance to disease and reduces the risk of infection.
Improved concentration and mental clarity: Qi Gong combines slow, deliberate movements with a focus on breathing and body sensations, improving concentration and mental clarity.
Emotional balance: Qi Gong can be a valuable tool in managing stress, anxiety, depression, and emotional imbalances.
Improved sleep quality: Regular practice can help improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia and promote restful rest.

Who is
QI-GONG for?
Qi Gong is suitable for everyone, regardless of age, physical condition or skill level. It is particularly suitable for :
- Individuals in search of well-being
- People who want to improve their physical health
- People undergoing rehabilitation or recovering from illness
- The elderly
- Individuals seeking to cultivate their inner energy
qi gong and yoga
Although Qi Gong and yoga share similarities, the two disciplines differ in their origins, techniques and objectives.
Cultural origins:Qi Gong originates from China, whereas yoga has its roots in India. Qi Gong is rooted in traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine, while yoga is closely linked to Hindu spirituality and yogic philosophy.
Breathing: Although both practices emphasize conscious breathing, they adopt slightly different approaches. Qi Gong emphasizes deep, slow, and regular breathing in harmony with movement and visualization, while yoga employs a variety of specific breathing techniques to influence vital energy.
Postures and movements: Yoga includes a variety of postures (asanas) that are held to stretch, strengthen and balance the body. These postures can be static or dynamic. Qi Gong, on the other hand, consists of gentle, fluid and regular movements, generally synchronized with breathing and intention.
Objectives: While Qi Gong and Yoga share common goals such as improved health, relaxation, energy balance and mind-body connection, Qi Gong often places greater emphasis on cultivating internal energy (Qi) and harmonizing energetic and spiritual aspects. Yoga also focuses on flexibility, strength, postural alignment and meditation.
Spiritual approach: Yoga is often considered a spiritual practice and a path to spiritual awakening, including meditative practices, mantra chanting and philosophical teachings. Qi Gong, although it may incorporate spiritual elements for some practitioners, focuses primarily on cultivating vital energy and promoting health.